Bluelab pH Probe
We know it is extremely important to care for and store pH probes correctly. pH probes are sensitive glass instruments which age through normal use. The life and performance of pH probes is reduced heavily when they are used or stored dry.
Bluelab pH Probe KCl Storage Solution is made specifically for use with Bluelab pH products. It is designed to increase response time and maximize the life of Bluelab pH pens and pH probes. For best results, use the KCl solution to store the pH pen/probe after use and hydrate monthly. Instructions are on the bottle label.
Bluelab pH Probe KCl Storage Solution is manufactured specifically for Bluelab products are NIST certified and are made to a traceable standard to ensure your Bluelab products last longer and maintain accuracy.
always Clean, hydrate and calibrate to ensure your probes accurately.