Grodan Rockwool guarantees plant propagators an optimum air/water balance. The variation in small and large pores throughout the block ensures that the roots are always supplied with sufficient air and water. The water content of the block can be controlled with great precision. The efficient pattern of the pores ensures that water and
nutrients are distributed uniformly throughout the block, thereby offering excellent control over both the nutrient
solution and the pH. This promotes development of a strong root system during propagation. The uniform distribution and vertical structure of the fibers results in the same resistance for each root, thereby ensuring that
the roots distribute themselves uniformly throughout the block.
This is a clean product, no pollutants or harmful bacteria. It does not lock up or release any substances, ensuring all water and nutrients are available to the plant. It is easy to control and steer the growth of the crop to achieve higher yields than seen in soil-bound cultivation. Stone wool can be recycled (eg composting).
Grodan’s stone wool are specially designed for irrigation efficiency and uniformity.