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Canna "Terra" Flores - Garden Effects -Indoor and outdoor Garden Supply

Canna "Terra" Flores

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Canna Terra Flores

One part Bloom (Flores) nutrient designed for growing in soil. Based on research conducted in Holland, Terra contains all the essential elements for flowering. In the brief but exuberant blooming period of a plant, it is vital that nutrients are directly available and properly composed. The preparation method of Terra Flores is adjusted to compensate for the binding effect of earth as a medium. Terra Flores also stimulates the development of flowers and contains all the nutrition that a plant needs during the blooming phase. For instance, plants need a considerably smaller amount of nitrogen during the blooming phase. On the other hand, the amount of potassium and phosphate needed is larger.

Terra Flores is rich in these compounds and specially chelated trace elements that can be absorbed directly, guaranteeing a perfect bloom.

Canna Terra fertilizers are a complete selection of high grade products, effortlessly causing explosive growth and exuberant blooming in fast-growing plants.

Since their launch in 1990, Terra Vega and Terra Flores have become the most widely used fertilizers by professional and amateur growers using soil. With Canna Terra, you are guaranteed high yields, with an easy to use product and a high-quality biological end product with no toxic ballast.

Canna fertilizers have a biotrophic effect, they are absorbed naturally into the plant's bio-system, and they create an optimal balance in the plant's cells and improve its resistance. Unlike other specialized fertilizers, Terra fertilizers work quickly, are directly available for the plant and so require little energy for absorption, allowing the plant to concentrate fully on growing and blooming. 

For the best possible support of the plant, CANNA has developed Terra Vega for the growth phase and Terra Flores for the blooming phase.

1 liter makes 200 liters of full strength soil nutrient