18-18-18 A fully balanced 1:1:1 N,P,K fertilizer with stabilized nitrogen designed for use on golf course fairways, sports fields and hydroseeding applications. Contains 50% controlled release nitrogen from UFlexx stabilized urea. UFlexx stabilized urea reduces urea volatilization and nitrate leaching , resulting in minimal surge growth and prolonged colour response for up to 10 weeks. The balanced potassium level assists turf in summer heat tolerance, winter cold tolerance plus disease resistance. Phosphate level initiates root growth in spring, ideal as a starter fertilizer or in sodding / seeding scenarios. A full analysis fertilizer that can be used any time a balanced, quick acting fertilizer is desired.
23-3-23 An balanced 1:1 N & K fertilizer with controlled release nitrogen designed for use on golf course fairways and sports fields. Contains 60% controlled release nitrogen from Methylene 75 (methylene urea). Methylene 75 gradually releases nitrogen to turfgrass up to 14-16 weeks. Use of controlled release nitrogen results in minimal surge growth and prolong colour response. Balanced potassium level assists turf in summer heat tolerance, winter cold tolerance plus disease resistance. Contains a full complement of micronutrients responsible for photosynthesis, protein synthesis and overall plant growth. A full analysis fertilizer that can be used from late spring through to fall
15-5-32 A high potassium, highly controlled release fertilizer designed for use on golf course fairways and sports fields throughout summer and fall months. Contains 70% controlled release nitrogen from Methylene 75 (methylene urea). Methylene 75 gradually releases nitrogen to turfgrass up to 14-16 weeks. Use of controlled release nitrogen results in minimal surge growth and prolonged colour response. High potassium level assists turf in summer heat tolerance, winter cold tolerance plus disease resistance. Late fall / dormant winter applications aid in carbohydrate production and storage which results in stronger spring regrowth.